Sunday, January 19, 2014

An update on my blog's mission.

Hello, 2014!
I am re-designing and re-purposing my blog. 

I believe that virtual worlds like Second Life hold immense value for humanity outside of cyberspace. It is my mission to find these shards of:
genuine connection,
extraordinary value,
emotional intimacy,
true community,
that which makes people truly beautiful,
acts of kindness,
inspiration and motivation to carry onto 1st Life; 
and bring them to people via my blog. 

Virtual worlds will make no dent in the emotional evolution of humanity, unless we consciously seek out and develop these values.

It is easy to get discouraged and lose track of these things in a virtual palace where vanity, egocentricity, and materialism are aspired to and rewarded. However, this is of benefit to those of us who study the human heart (figuratively). 

I seek true connection everywhere I go, and this includes Second Life. I find myself automatically clicking on the "Profile" window and reading up on every stranger I see or meet, to get a glimpse into them, or to encounter one of these "shards of value".

My integral desire is to connect, to inspire, and to help people. Therefore I will make use of this inner need and bring a fresh take on this amazing virtual world, for your benefit and for the benefit of others you may encounter. So, please spread the word and share my blog! 

Note: If are in the know of any Events, Places, People, or News I would be interested in, please let me know. 


Sedi Dreamscape said...

You're welcome to come visit Commune Utopia.

Anonymous said...

I think your idea is delightful, and I hope to contribute, in some small way, as you have already done for me. Ta! Clary Jewell from SL